
44. Lecture 1 Week 14 - Language and Gender: The prezi used in this recording is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

34. Lecture 3 Week 12 - Social Networks and Communities of Practice The powerpoint used in this recording is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

33. Lecture 2 Week 12 - Social Class Part 2. The powerpoint "Social Class" used in this recording and to be used in Social Class Part 1 is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

31. Lecture 1 Week 12 - Social Class Part 1. The powerpoint "Social Class" used in this recording and to be used in Social Class Part 2 is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

29. Wednesday, 1 April 2020 (Week 11) - This discussion includes a change of the due date of the proposal and the 7th homework. The due change for the proposal is not as announced in the discussion, but changed to Monday, 20 April.

28. Lecture 2 Week 11 - The Social Motivation of a Sound Change The powerpoint used in this recording is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

27. Lecture 1 Week 11 - Language Change over Time The powerpoint used in this recording is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

26. Lecture 3 Week 10 - Diglossia and Code Switching and Mixing The powerpoint used in this recording is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page

25. Lecture 2 Week 10 (audio fixed) - Language Viability The powerpoint used in this recording is used in the "Presentations and References" folder.

24. Lecture 1 Week 10 - Multilingualism and Language Policy The powerpoint used in this recording is linked in the "Presentations and References" folder on the Materials page.

15. Monday, 24 February 2020 - This video is only 20 minutes long, because the rest of the class was devoted to the quiz.

06. Friday, 31 January 2020 - Due to computer foul-up, this is a summary of the class rather than a recording.